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Raspberry leaf tea benefits

Date Posted:29 July 2022 

Welcome to the world of raspberry leaf tea! I'm so excited to share this tasty herb with you, and I hope you'll find it helpful in your pregnancy and postpartum recovery. Raspberry leaf tea is made from the green leaves of the red raspberry plant, and although it contains many health benefits, it is most commonly used in pregnancy.


History of raspberry leaf tea

While raspberry leaf tea has long been thought to be beneficial during pregnancy and childbirth, the ancient remedy actually dates back to at least 2,500 years ago. It was used by the Greek physician Hippocrates as a healing herb for stomach aches, indigestion and diarrhea; it was also thought to reduce fever and inflammation. The ancient Romans used raspberries in many of their foods and they also drank them in a tea form as a herbal remedy for menstrual cramps, infertility treatment and labour induction.

Raspberry leaf tea has been used since Victorian times as a natural way to help prepare the uterus for birth while helping with postpartum recovery. Itā€™s also known for its use in treating sore throat or cough due to colds/flu ā€” though doctors donā€™t recommend using raspberry leaf in place of antibiotics recommended by your doctor if there are other symptoms present that require medical attention; always consult your healthcare provider before trying any home remedies or supplements!


Additional raspberry leaf tea benefits

Having a healthy, balanced diet is important for both you and your baby. Raspberry leaf tea can be consumed in addition to a healthy diet. It has no caffeine and is safe to drink in pregnancy. It is also a good source of iron, which helps the body make red blood cells that carry oxygen around the body.

As with all herbal teas, raspberry leaf tea benefits include vitamins, minerals and anti oxidants. Vitamin C, E, A and B vitamin complex along with minerals such as calcium and iron are found in raspberry leaves. During ancient times, raspberry leaf tea was consumed as an ailment to illness, and even today, it can be used to assist with the common flu, blood sugar balancing, and heavy menstrual periods.


Raspberry leaf tea & fertility

Raspberry leaf tea, also known as red raspberry leaf tea can be taken throughout the entire cycle when trying to conceive. It has a beneficial effect by strengthening the luteal phase of the cycle and promoting a strong uterine lining. The luteal phase happens after ovulation before your next period, and it involves the thickening of the uterine wall in preparation for implantation.


Preparation for labour and birth

Pregnancy is an exciting time in a woman's life, but it can also be a little scary. Raspberry leaf tea is an ancient herbal remedy that can be consumed by women during pregnancy, labour and birth. It's particularly useful for preparing the uterus for labour and postpartum recovery.

After you become pregnant, raspberry leaf tea in pregnancy is not recommended until the last trimester. This is because raspberry leaf tea helps to tone the uterus and can assist in preparing the body for labour. Many women consume raspberry leaf tea when trying to induce labour, although it can be safely consumed in the weeks leading up to the due date. It can also help to ease morning sickness and help to build the mothers immune system and milk supply in preparation for delivery.

Raspberry leaf tea is completely natural, safe, effective and can be consumed in the third trimester of pregnancy without any side effects. Raspberry leaf tea benefits also include aiding in a rapid recovery after delivery as well as supporting breast milk production.

It's important to note that raspberry leaf tea has been shown to be effective in treating menstrual problems such as heavy bleeding or spotting too closely following childbirth (postpartum).


Postpartum recovery

If youā€™ve given birth recently, raspberry leaf tea can help to reduce the pain and bleeding that usually results from uterine contractions. It is also used to help restore the uterus to its pre pregnancy size, shape and function. After giving birth, the uterus needs time to return to its normal size. If it doesnā€™t return in about six weeks, then problems with fertility can occur later on in life. Drinking raspberry leaf tea will help speed up this process along with helping reduce any soreness or swelling that may occur after giving birth.


Things to consider when consuming raspberry leaf tea

Generally speaking, raspberry leaf tea for pregnancy is safe to take with little to no side effects. It is important to note that if the mother has experienced a short labour in the past, raspberry leaf tea may not be suitable, as it may have an additive effect on labour which may not be desirable. It is also best to stick to the required dose, especially if using red raspberry tea in pregnancy. The dose will be labelled clearly on the packet, or if you are under the care of a health care practitioner, a more appropriate dosage specific to your needs may be prescribed.


Where to buy raspberry leaf tea?

When considering where to buy raspberry leaf tea, it is best to source certified organic raspberry leaf tea, as cheaper brands which are not organic may contain chemical residue and bleached tea bags. We highly recommend our popular Mama Body Tea Organic Raspberry Tea Blend, made with organic raspberry leaf, peppermint & stinging nettle and is rich in vitamins and minerals such as iron, magnesium, calcium and zinc which contributes to normal reproduction and fertility such as preparing your uterus for birth and post birth recovery.

In conclusion, raspberry leaf tea is a great herb to help mamas prepare their uterus for labour and aid postpartum recovery. It has been shown to reduce the length of labour and make birth easier, while also providing many other benefits during pregnancy and breastfeeding.