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All you need to know about Vanessa Megan products

Date Posted:20 June 2020 

Who is Vanessa Megan?

Vanessa Megan Gray Lyndon is the founder and formulator of Vanessa Megan™. She leads the passionate team here at VM with love, grace and tons of enthusiasm and creativity. In 2001, Vanessa Megan Gray Lyndon, founder and formulator of Vanessa Megan™, was inspired by a comment from her best friend that ‘you should never put anything on your skin you wouldn’t eat.’ This simple concept motivated extensive research into biochemistry and led Vanessa to the discovery of the multitude of synthetic materials found in the products we use on our bodies every day. Studying the power of natural extracts and oils, she began creating skincare and perfume from natural, wild harvested and bio-available ingredients. Thus, the Vanessa Megan™ brand was born with the goal of getting natural skincare onto every body and into every home.

More than a decade on, Vanessa is known for her uncompromising commitment to clean, synthetic free skincare and Vanessa Megan™ is considered an Australian pioneer and leader in certified organic skincare. Now trading in premium department stores internationally and boasting the same efficacy results as iconic skincare brands. With the future in mind, Vanessa Megan™ offers more than vegan, cruelty free, organic and sustainable brand values- we offer natural skincare that works. Our streamlined skin specialist range has been perfected to benefit all skin types and has been tried and proven to solve any skin concern. These remarkable, award-winning formulations return skin to its true foundation, creating dermal harmony while remaining genuinely good enough to eat.


I loved one of your old products, but can't find it in the new range.

Below is a list of the products from Vanessa Megan original range that have been renamed:

  1. Rose Water Spray -  Rose Hydrosol Pore Refining Toner
  2. Body Beautiful Oil -  Bio-Omega Body Contouring Oil
  3. Essential Blend Perfume -  Monarch 100% Natural Perfume 
  4. Petitgrain Cream Cleanser -  Petitgrain pH Balancing Cream Cleanser
  5. Collagen Boosting Gel -  Collagen Boosting Gel Hyaluronic Acid Serum
  6. White Tea Antioxidant Face Cream -  Vitamin A+B+C Daily Face Cream
  7. N.E.O. (Nature's Elixir Oil) -  N.E.O. (Nature’s Elixir Oil) 12 Hour Miracle Oil
  8. Triple Action Eyelift Serum -  Pineapple Enzyme + HA Brightening Eyelift Serum
  9. Blood Orange Foaming Hand Wash -  Blood Orange Foaming Hand & Body Wash
  10. Marine Collagen Anti-Ageing Night Cream -  Marine Collagen Firming Night Cream
  11. Rose & Chamomile Hydrating Face Cream -  Rose & Calendula Moisture+ Face Cream
  12. Peruvian Flower Hand & Body Cream -  Peruvian Flower Nourishing Hand & Body Cream
  13. Two-Phase Vitamin C Brightening System -  Super C + Bearberry Illuminating Face Serum

If you don’t see the product you’re after listed here, that means it is no longer a part of their range.


Why use natural and organic skincare?

The answer is simple: use natural and organic skincare because it's clean and it works. Traditional skincare and cosmetics are often packed with chemicals and synthetic ingredients that can do more harm than good for your skin. The truth is that mother nature provides us with all of the ingredients we need for beautiful, healthy, glowing skin - so why use the nasties when you can get the same (and often BETTER) results without them?


Does natural skincare actually work?

It does! The days of natural skincare simply being a feel good conversation or an environmental choice are long gone. Vanessa Megan partnered with the Sydney Dermal Institute, conducted multiple rounds of case studies and spent years on research and development all to bring you a range with the efficacy results to rival any synthetic brand out there. They’ve been solving skin concerns naturally for more than a decade now and have no intention of stopping anytime soon!


How often should I cleanse my face?

Once a day. Cleanse ONLY at night to wash away makeup and daily pollutants. Cleansing in the morning will strip your skin of all the beautiful natural oils you’ve built up through the night.


How often should I exfoliate my skin?

As a general rule, Vanessa Megan recommend exfoliating 2-4 times per week. While exfoliating is an important and necessary part of any skin care regimen, your skin type will determine how frequently you should exfoliate.


I have oily skin. Should I use a face oil?

YES! All skin types can benefit from using facial oils. The first rule when using any facial oil is to mix it with water or a hydrosol to dilute the oil and increase epidermal penetration. The water acts as a vehicle, driving ingredients from the oil deep into the skin's layers. Oily skin types should just keep this ratio to a higher concentration of water than oil. See below for recommended starting ratios:



What comes first? Serum or moisturiser?



Do I need to change my skincare regimen each season?

You do not! Vanessa Megan have formulated The Holy Trinity Daily Maintenance Routine to see all skin types through all seasons and climates.


What ingredients do you use?

100% of the ingredients in Vanessa Megan™ products are 100% natural. This means ZERO synthetics and 100% plant based formulations. They also make a point to use the most sustainable and organic ingredients we can find. They believe in full transparency as well, so you can find a full ingredient listing of every single product on its webpage and unit carton.


What ingredients do you NOT use?

In addition to all the harmful chemicals you'll never find in Vanessa Megan formulations, their products are also free from ALL nut oils (except coconut) and palm oil.


Are all your products certified organic?

The following Vanessa Megan products are ACO (Australian Certified Organic) Certified:

Vanessa Megan entire range is no longer ACO certified due to the increased standards recently implemented. In order to achieve ACO certification, a product must now be at least 95% organic. All of Vanessa Megan products are at least 70% organic, with most being well above this standard. You can find the ACO percentage in every ingredient listing. Vanessa Megan are unable to certify our perfumes because they are water based and water cannot be certified organic.


Are your products vegan?

All Vanessa Megan products sold by Sassy Organics are vegan.


Are your products cruelty free?

Yes! Vanessa Megan entire range is 100% cruelty free.


I am pregnant. Are your products safe for me?

First of all, congratulations! While it is safe to use most of Vanessa Megan products during pregnancy, it is recommend avoiding Vanessa Megan natural perfumes, as they have 15% dilution of essential oils. In addition, Vanessa Megan recommend avoiding the following essential oils while pregnant:

  • Juniper Berry - may affect kidneys
  • Sage - may cause bleeding in uterus (womb)
  • Rosemary - known to increase blood pressure, and may cause contractions
  • Nutmeg - may have hallucinogenic effects and react with pain-relieving drugs in labour
  • Basil - known to contribute to abnormal cell development Jasmine - may trigger contractions


Where are your products made?

Vanessa Megan products are handmade in their laboratory in Sydney, Australia.


What's wrong with alcohol?

Alcohol is great for drinking, but terrible for putting on your skin. Traditional perfumes and other skincare products (such as toners and astringents) use alcohol for its quick drying effect. Theoretically, what this does is make synthetic fragrance stick to your skin and tighten pores to keep out impurities. What it actually does, though, is dehydrate your skin and strip it of its natural oils. This weakens the epidermis and can result in toxic effects such as respiratory failure, vasodilation, hypotension, convulsions and paralysis. Further, prolonged use of alcohol on the skin can cause long-lasting pigmentation and structural damage.


Why water based perfume?

Vanessa Megan have always used a water base for their fragrances instead of an oil base because they found during their formulation phase that simply applying oil onto the skin doesn’t provide the same experience as when water is used to help diffuse and deliver the essential oils into the skin. We love the ritual of the spritz and cloaking ourselves in the fragrant rain of our chosen scent. Vanessa Megan fragrances are alcohol free because even natural alcohols can have drying effects and lead to other problems that weaken the epidermal barrier, which can quicken the aging process. Ever noticed pigmentation on mum or nanna’s neck under their ears or on their décolletage area? This could be the result of years of synthetic perfume spritzing.



What's wrong with mineral oil?

Also called 'parafin,' 'liquid petroleum' or 'paraffin oil,' Mineral oil is a byproduct of the distillation process to produce gasoline. Personally, that's enough information for us to decide it shouldn't go on our skin, but mineral oil has been used in skincare and cosmetics for a loooong time due to its ability to prevent moisture loss. Ever heard of Vaseline, paw paw ointment or petroleum jelly?. Mineral oil acts like cling wrap on the skin, locking in moisture. What this means, though, is that it also traps in sweat and dirt, clogging pores and increasing the likelihood of acne and infection. Even the so called 'cosmetic-grade' mineral oil is listed as comedogenic, meaning it clogs pores. The cherry on the top of this "no thanks" sundae, though is that it adds nothing to your skin. Mineral oil does not provide moisture itself nor does it contain nutrients that are beneficial for your skin. In fact, there is evidence that mineral oil is one of the largest contaminants of the human body. So why use a pore clogging possible contaminant on your skin when there are so many 100% natural oils, butters and extracts that do actual good for it?


Do you use palm oil?

Vanessa Megan use only the purest, most sustainable organic ingredients in our products. This means that they do not use palm oil, glycerol or vegetable oil as ingredients in any of our formulas.


Why mix NEO and Rose Hydrosol?

Applying an oil directly to your skin can result in the oil simply sitting on the surface, without penetrating the epidermal layers. This means you’re missing out on all the incredible nutrients offered by the oil. Water penetrates the skin quite easily, though, so can be used as a vehicle to drive the oil (and all its amazing nutrients) deep into the epidermal layers. At its core, a moisturizer is simply an emulsion of water and oil. The ratio can be varied to suit different skin types, concerns, climates, etc. For example, a moisturizer or face cream formulated for dry skin types, such as our  Rose & Calendula Moisture+ Face Cream, is higher in oil than water, while a lighter moisturizer, such as our Vitamin A+B+C Daily Face Cream, is formulated for oilier skin types with more water than oil.


Do I have to use Rose Hydrosol with NEO?

Nope! We like using Rose Hydrosol for all of the amazing antibacterial, toning and refreshing benefits, but plain old tap water will do the trick perfectly in a pinch. With NEO and Rose Hydrosol, you are customizing this ratio to suit your needs. It’s a fool proof system, guaranteed to see you through the changing seasons and your changing skin care needs!


What ratio of NEO to Rose Hydrosol should I use?



What is Group 11?

Group 11 is an ancient trio of chemical elements Copper (CU), Silver (Ag) and Gold (Au). Vanessa Megan use what are called “colloidal metals,” meaning that small particles of each metal are suspended in purified water and then included in formulations. Each of these metals has impressive skincare benefits on their own, but together they create the ultimate trifecta for age reversal, skin brightening and complexion purifying in Vanessa Megan Group 11 Active Mist.


Should I use Vitamin A+B+C or Rose & Calendula Face Cream?

Vitamin A+B+C Daily Face Cream is formulated for oily and acne prone skin types that need a lightweight, refreshing daily moisturizer. It’s also perfect for normal/combination types through the summer months, when skin is naturally at its oiliest. Rose & Calendula Moisture+ Face Cream is a slightly heavier formula created for dry skin types and cold, dry climates and seasons for skin in need of a serious moisture boost. This moisturiser is also incredibly soothing, so is great for rosacea and irritated skin.