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6 Must have travel essentials for your next trip

Date Posted:23 September 2022 

Traveling is one of the best things about life. The world is full of so many amazing places, and it's so easy to explore them these days. That said, traveling can still be exhausting, especially if you're trying to keep up with any kind of fitness routine while on the go. Luckily there are a few items that can help keep you feeling your best while exploring new places! Here are six must have travel essentials for your next trip.


Are you planning your next trip? Whether it's a weekend getaway or an extended vacation, a good packing list can help keep you prepared. I've spent years traveling, so I've learned what works and what doesn't when it comes to packing lists. Here are my favourite six travel essentials that will make your next trip easier.


1. First aid kit

This is probably the most essential piece of gear. You don't have to go crazy and add all the over-the-counter drugs you've ever heard of (unless you need them), but try to include a few basic things: bandages, antiseptic cream, painkillers and any other medication you sometimes use.

  • If there's anything specific that may come in handy during your trip like an eye dropper, ear ache drops or a thermometer for checking fevers, be sure to pack it!
  • Some people like having a first aid book with them when they travel because it can help make sense of what exactly's going on when someone gets hurt. This can also help calm down children who are scared by their injuries!
  • It's always good practice to have emergency numbers written down somewhere safe in case something happens while you're away from home - hotels will often provide this information upon request for free as well as local hospitals too, so keep those numbers handy just in case anything goes wrong on vacation trips.



2. Body wipes

Body wipes are a great alternative to using a bar of soap or liquid body wash. They are convenient, easy to pack, and can be used for more than just cleaning! For example: If you are staying in an Airbnb with no shower (or if you want to save water), use body wipes instead of taking a full shower. Body wipes will clean your skin without leaving it feeling tight or irritated. You can also use them when you need to freshen up after work or before going out at night without spending too much time on self care.

Body wipes are great to use on the plane, to refresh your body without the need to take a full shower. They can be used to wipe your hands, and even face if everything else failed. They are super convenient to have when travelling and they will fit in your smallest purse.


3. Probiotics

Probiotics are a great way to keep your immune system in tip top shape when traveling. The average traveller will be exposed to all kinds of new germs and bacteria that can wreak havoc on their gut, which is where all the good stuff lives! Probiotic supplements have been shown to help with digestion, skin problems, allergies, weight loss and more.

If you're already taking probiotics at home then continue doing so while traveling. If not I recommend trying one out before you go on your next trip. And don't forget - you can also find probiotics naturally in yogurt (as well as other fermented foods) so make sure you get plenty while eating out! That said, taking probiotic tablets or powder with you is the best way to ensure that your gut health remains in tact during your trip.



4. Reusable water bottle

When it comes to water bottles, it's important to do your research. There are a lot of options out there that just aren't going to cut it for you or your trip. You want to make sure you're getting the best insulated water bottle for the long haul.

Here are some things you should look for when buying a reusable water bottle:

  • Is it dishwasher safe? If not, how easy is it to clean?
  • If it doesn't have a cap (like most Camelbak models), how well does it seal? Will this prevent spills while on-the-go? Do they include lids with their bottles? Or do they require an additional purchase?
  • How much capacity does this thing hold? Is this enough for me and my family/group members?!


5. Aloe vera

If youā€™ve ever been sunburnt, then you know how painful and uncomfortable it can be. The pain is usually accompanied by a burning sensation, redness, and itchiness. The best way to deal with such a situation is to treat your skin immediately with aloe vera gel. Aloe vera has many benefits; it helps in healing wounds faster than other treatments and also gives relief from insect bites and stings. If you have children or pets who like playing outdoors during summer vacations then keeping this handy at all times.

Aloe vera also works as an excellent moisturiser which helps in getting rid of dryness caused due to sun exposure so make sure to apply it after swimming in the pool. And if you get a scratch while hiking or climbing? Aloe vera will help it heal faster.


6. Sunscreen

Sunscreen is probably the most important travel accessory you'll have. It's easy to forget to apply sunscreen, which is why it's so important that you find a way to make it part of your daily routine.

Do not underestimate how important sunscreen is! If you get burned in the sun, it can take days for your skin to heal and many people are left with permanent damage or discoloration. Not to mention, this could ruin your holiday. Applying sunscreen with zinc every day will ensure that this doesn't happen to you.

Apply your sunscreen at least 30 minutes before going outside in order for it to fully absorb into your skin and protect it from harmful rays when outdoors for long periods of time during the daytime hours (10am - 4pm). For best results, use an SPF 30+ sunscreen with broad spectrum protection that contains zinc oxide or titanium dioxide as one of its active ingredients because these ingredients will help block both UVA and UVB rays - two types of ultraviolet radiation which cause sunburns on human skin tissue!

If you are planning on spending a lot of time in the water, make sure to pick a water resistant sunscreen which is also reef friendly, to ensure the health of our oceans.



Fitness & wellbeing

Taking care of yourself on the go is essential when traveling. Here are some things that can help you keep up your fitness and wellness routine.

When you travel, taking care of yourself is often the last thing on your mind. But it's important that you stay fit and healthy while on the road. If you're not feeling well, it can affect your mood and even ruin an otherwise amazing trip!

If you have time to exercise during your trip, check out any gyms or yoga studios in the area. Many hotels offer discounts to their guests. If there are no gyms nearby, look into hiking trails instead - many national parks have them! If those options aren't available either, opt for a workout DVD at your hotel room rather than skipping altogether.

Don't forget about hydration! It's easy for travellers who don't drink much water regularly or rely on coffee or soda as substitutes during busy days; but those who haven't done much traveling might not realise how important it really is until they start feeling thirsty halfway through their flight across continents with long layovers between flights.

Take advantage of airport lounges if possible - they often offer free drinks as well as places where guests can relax between flights without having to wait around at baggage claim again after checking luggage/purchasing items at shops/taking photos inside terminals etcetera.

Last but not least, make sure to pack a quality multivitamin. When on the go, we tend to skip meals and not eat as well as we do at home. Having a good multivitamin is essential, to ensure we are meeting our RDI of essential vitamins and minerals.


Final thoughts

We hope this article has inspired you to take better care of yourself while traveling. Whether youā€™re going on a long weekend trip or spending a month exploring the world, your health should be a top priority. Make sure you pack some of these essentials in your bag so that you can enjoy a healthier experience!