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Are soy wax candles really safe?

Date Posted:21 November 2023 

Are soy wax candles safe to use? This is a question that has sparked controversy and left many candle enthusiasts wondering about the potential toxicity of their favorite scent diffusing accessories. In recent years, soy wax candles have gained popularity as a greener alternative to traditional paraffin wax candles. However, concerns have been raised about the additives and chemicals that may be present in some soy wax candles.


In this article, we aim to unravel the toxicity controversy surrounding soy wax candles. We will delve into the science behind soy wax production and examine the potential health risks associated with additives commonly found in commercial soy candles. We will also shed light on the advantages and disadvantages of using soy wax candles compared to other options on the market.

By presenting factual information and addressing common misconceptions, we aim to provide a deeper understanding of the safety and potential risks associated with soy wax candles. So, whether you are a candle enthusiast concerned about your health or simply curious about the truth behind the soy wax craze, keep reading to discover what you need to know about soy wax candle safety.



Common concerns about candle toxicity

When it comes to candle safety, one of the most common concerns is the potential toxicity of the materials used in their production. Many candles, including soy wax candles, contain additives and fragrances that can emit harmful chemicals when burned. These chemicals can pose risks to our health, especially when candles are burned in enclosed spaces or for extended periods of time.

One of the primary concerns is the release of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) during the burning process. VOCs are chemicals that can easily vaporise at room temperature and can be harmful when inhaled. Some of the most common VOCs emitted by candles include toluene, benzene, and formaldehyde. Prolonged exposure to these chemicals can have detrimental effects on our respiratory system and overall well being.

It's important to note that not all candles are created equal when it comes to toxicity. The materials used, such as the type of wax and fragrance oils, can significantly impact the level of toxicity. This is why understanding the ingredients in soy candles is crucial in determining their safety.


Understanding the ingredients in soy wax candles

Soy wax candles are made from hydrogenated soybean oil, which is derived from soybeans. Unlike paraffin wax candles, which are derived from petroleum, soy wax is a natural and renewable resource. This makes soy wax candles a popular choice among environmentally conscious consumers.

However, it's important to note that not all soy wax candles are created equal. Some commercial soy candles may contain additives and fragrance oils that can compromise their safety. These additives are often added to enhance the scent throw, improve burning characteristics, or extend the candle's shelf life.

Common additives found in soy wax candles include colourants, stabilisers, and fragrance oils. While colourants and stabilisers are generally considered safe, fragrance oils can be a cause for concern. Some fragrance oils may contain synthetic chemicals that can release harmful VOCs when burned. This is why it's important to choose a soy wax candle that is made with natural, phthalate free fragrance oils.



Comparing soy wax candles to paraffin wax candles

To get a better understanding of soy wax candle safety, it's important to compare them to their paraffin wax counterparts. Paraffin wax is a byproduct of petroleum refining and is widely used in the candle industry. However, burning paraffin wax candles can release a variety of potentially harmful chemicals, including soot, benzene, and toluene.

Soot, in particular, is a concern when it comes to candle safety. When paraffin wax candles are burned, they can produce black soot that can accumulate on walls, furniture, and even in our lungs. Inhaling soot particles over an extended period of time can have negative health effects, especially for individuals with respiratory conditions or compromised immune systems.

In contrast, soy wax candles are known for their cleaner burn. They produce minimal soot and have a lower emission of harmful chemicals compared to paraffin wax candles. This is why soy candle is often considered a safer option, especially for those who are concerned about their indoor air quality.


Debunking myths about soy wax candle safety

Despite the growing popularity of soy wax candles, there are still some myths and misconceptions surrounding their safety. One common myth is that all soy wax candles are 100% natural and free from additives. While soy wax itself is a natural material, it's important to remember that additives and fragrance oils can be present in commercially available soy candles.

Another myth is that soy wax candles are completely soot free. While soy wax candles produce less soot than paraffin wax candles, they can still emit some level of soot, especially if the wick is not properly maintained or if the candle is burned for an extended period of time.

It's also worth noting that not all fragrance oils used in soy wax candles are created equal. Some fragrance oils may contain synthetic chemicals that can be harmful when burned. To ensure the safety of your soy wax candles, look for candles that are labeled as using natural, phthalate free fragrance oils.



Potential health risks associated with soy wax candles

While soy wax candles are generally considered safe to use, there are some potential health risks that should be taken into consideration. The primary concern is the release of VOCs during the burning process. As mentioned earlier, VOCs can have detrimental effects on our respiratory system and overall well being, especially with prolonged exposure.

Individuals with respiratory conditions, such as asthma or allergies, may be more sensitive to the emissions from soy wax candles. It's important for these individuals to take precautions, such as proper ventilation and limited exposure, when using candles in their homes.

Another potential health risk is the presence of allergens in fragrance oils used in soy wax candles. Some fragrance oils may contain allergenic compounds that can trigger allergic reactions in susceptible individuals. If you have known allergies to specific fragrance ingredients, it's important to choose candles that are labeled as hypoallergenic or fragrance free.


Tips for choosing safe soy wax candles

To ensure the safety of soy wax candles, here are some tips to keep in mind when making your purchase:

1. Look for candles made with 100% soy wax: Avoid candles that contain a blend of soy and paraffin wax, as paraffin wax can emit harmful chemicals when burned.

2. Choose candles with natural fragrance oils: Look for candles that are scented with natural, phthalate free fragrance oils. These oils are derived from natural sources and are less likely to release harmful VOCs.

3. Read the label: Check the label for any additional additives that may be present in the candle. Avoid candles with unnecessary additives or colorants that may compromise their safety.

4. Opt for lead free wicks: Choose candles that are made with lead free wicks to minimise the release of potentially harmful substances into the air.

5. Practice proper candle care: Trim the wick to 1/4 inch before each use to prevent excessive soot and ensure a clean burn. Avoid burning candles for more than 4 hours at a time to reduce the emission of harmful chemicals.



Alternatives to soy wax candles

If you're still concerned about the potential risks associated with soy wax candles, there are alternative options available:

1. Coconut wax candles: Coconut wax is another renewable and sustainable option for candle enthusiasts. Coconut wax candles are known for their long burn time and excellent scent throw.

2. Essential oil diffusers: If you're looking for a flameless alternative, essential oil diffusers are a great option. They use ultrasonic technology to disperse the fragrance of essential oils into the air, providing a safe and natural way to scent your space.


Looking for something different?

If you are after something different, why not try a crystal candle?

Candles have long been used for relaxation and meditation, and the addition of crystals to candles has taken that experience to the next level. Crystal candles are candles that incorporate natural, healing crystals in their design, adding a touch of magic to the flame. The crystals work in tandem with the scents and energies of the candles to create a relaxing, soothing and meditative environment. Each crystal has its unique healing properties, and when coupled with the positive energy generated by candle flames, they emit a warm, comforting glow. Crystal candles are a great way to elevate your meditation or self care routine and promote a sense of calm and peace in your everyday life. Whether it's a gift for a friend, a centerpiece for your living room or a personal treat, crystal candles are the perfect tool to enhance your mood and create a serene haven in your space.

Supporting local Australian artisans, many soy candles are hand poured with love, making them unique and special. So, indulge in the soothing ambience of a soy candle and make your space feel warm and welcoming, all while contributing to a more sustainable world. Sumer Salt Body is home to some of the best soy candles in Australia.



The future of soy wax candles and candle safety regulations

As concerns about candle safety continue to grow, the industry is taking steps to address these issues. Candle manufacturers are increasingly opting for safer ingredients and stricter quality control measures to ensure the safety of their products.

In addition, regulatory bodies are starting to pay more attention to candle safety. For example, the European Union has implemented regulations that restrict the use of certain chemicals in candles, including lead in wicks and certain fragrance ingredients. It's likely that we will see more regulations and standards in the future to protect consumers from potentially harmful candle emissions.


Final thoughts

In conclusion, soy wax candles can be a safe and eco friendly choice for candle enthusiasts. However, it's important to be aware of the potential risks associated with additives and fragrance oils used in some commercially available soy candles. By choosing natural candles made with natural, phthalate free fragrance oils and practicing proper candle care, you can minimise the emission of harmful chemicals and enjoy the ambiance of soy wax candles without compromising your health.

Remember to read labels, look for certifications, and consider alternative options if you have specific concerns about soy wax candles. Making informed choices about candle safety will allow you to enjoy the cozy glow and delightful scents of candles while keeping your health and well being a top priority.

So, the next time you light up your favorite soy wax candle, you can do so with peace of mind, knowing that you are making a conscious choice for both your enjoyment and your safety.


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