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All you need to know about essential oils

Date Posted:30 November 2022 

I love essential oils. You might think that's just because I sell them, but trust me - that's not the case! I use essential oils for everything from cleaning to relaxation. And if you're like me, you'll want to know more about how these miracle products work: What is an essential oil? How do they work? Which ones should I buy? Where can I get them? In this article, we'll answer all those questions and more so you can find out the truth about one of the most popular natural remedies today.


What are essential oils?

Essential oils are the concentrated liquid form of plants. They are extracted from botanicals through steam distillation, expression and extraction. Essential oils can be used in aromatherapy, skin care and massage. They are also used in culinary applications, fragrancing and household cleaning products.

Essential oils are often used in aromatherapy and for the treatment of various health conditions. They can be applied to the skin or inhaled, depending on the application.



How essential oils work?

Essential oils are made up of volatile compounds that are released when a plant is broken or bruised. They can be inhaled, applied to the skin and ingested. When you use an essential oil, its active ingredients go into your bloodstream through your lungs or through your skin. Some essential oils will be absorbed into the bloodstream more easily than others; this is due to their chemical makeup and how they fit in with our own chemistry as humans.


 How essential oils are made?

Essential oils are made by distilling the plant material. To extract the oil from a plant, steam is passed through it and the oil is captured in a different container. Distillation is a process that separates liquids based on differences in boiling point. The steam passes through the plant material and evaporates at different rates depending on which compounds it contains.


How are essential oils extracted?

Essential oils are extracted from plants by steam distillation, cold pressed or cold pressure. The process used depends on the plant's composition of chemical compounds and its volatile oil content.

Enfleurage is another method for extracting essential oils from flowers and herbs that are too delicate to withstand steam distillation or mechanical extraction. It involves placing a layer of freshly picked flowers into fat and leaving them there to absorb their fragrance over time. Once they have absorbed as much aroma as they can, the flowers are removed and new ones placed in their place so that they can continue absorbing scent until all the fat has been used up.

The final method mentioned here is solvent extraction, which uses solvents such as alcohol to extract plant materials containing volatile oils from their non volatile counterparts (such as resins).



Best ways to use essential oils?

Essential oils must be diluted in a carrier oil, such as coconut oil or grapeseed oil before being applied to the skin. This is because essential oils are concentrated and can cause irritation if used undiluted.

The following are some of the ways you can use essential oils:

  • In a diffuser: Essential oils can be added to water and dispersed into the air with an aroma diffuser. The scent will fill up your room with its therapeutic benefits and make it smell amazing!
  • On a cotton ball: Rubbing on essential oils straight from the bottle may cause irritation for sensitive skin types, so it's best to apply them in this way instead. Put a few drops on the cotton ball first then gently wipe over your body parts that need it most - like your temples or around your nose when suffering from congestion or stuffy sinuses (you'll have some tasty smelling hands after this though!).
  • In a bath: Essential oils float around freely in baths which makes them an ideal option for adding fragrance without having to dilute them first. 


How essential oils enter the body?

Essential oils enter the body through the skin, mucous membranes and through inhalation.

When you inhale an essential oil, it enters through your lungs and comes into contact with your bloodstream. This happens because of a process called diffusion. Diffusion occurs when a gas passes from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration through a barrier (like air). In this case, the air around you contains oxygen and carbon dioxide while your lungs contain only oxygen. When you inhale the oil, some molecules will move through the barrier and into your blood stream. Diffusion also helps get other things into our bodies - it's how we take in water when we drink it!

Inhaling an essential oil works really well for some things like congestion relief during a cold or headache relief during a migraine because it gets very close to where you need it without having to go through any other parts of your body first (like taking aspirin). Inhaling essential oils directly can also help you absorb them more quickly than other methods.


Essential oils and anxiety

There are several different types of essential oils that can be used for anxiety relief. Hereā€™s a list of some of the most popular ones: Bergamot, Lavender and Roman ChamomileThese essential oils can help you sleep better, relax and feel better. They can help you breathe easier, which will help with your anxiety. Finally, they can also be used to help you focus on what's important to you and what makes you happy.



Essential oils and mental health

Essential oils can help with mental health issues. Some of the most common mental health issues that essential oils are used to treat include:

  • Anxiety and stress
  • Depression and mood swings
  • Insomnia and sleep problems
  • Headaches, migraines, tension headaches
  • Stress, anxiety, depression and mood swings

Lavender essential oil plays an important role in treating many of the above mentioned symptoms. If you are interested to learn more, check out our article Benefits and uses of lavender essential oils


How essential oils work on the brain

Essential oils work on your body and mind to help you relax, feel good, and be healthy. Theyā€™re a natural way to promote relaxation and wellness.

Essential oils can help people with anxiety, depression, insomnia, stress and other mental health issues. Essential oils work by activating the olfactory system - the part of your brain that processes scents. This in turn regulates chemical messengers (neurotransmitters) such as serotonin ā€“ which helps regulate moods.


Essential oils can help you relax and feel better naturally

Essential oils are natural, and they don't cause many side effects. They're also safe if you use them the right way. Essential oils can help you relax and feel better naturally, but it's important to talk about what that means before you start using them.

Aromatherapy is a holistic healing practice that uses essential oils to improve your physical, emotional and spiritual well being. The goal is to support your bodyā€™s own ability to heal itself by making sure all of its systems are working together harmoniously. Essential oils can help with stress, anxiety, depression and sleep issues as well as other conditions like arthritis or seasonal allergies. You can learn more by reading our article Best essential oils for sleep and anxiety



What are the best essential oils?

There are a lot of different essential oils, but there are some that might work best for you. These include lavender and bergamot, frankincense and thyme oil.

  • Lavender - helps with anxiety and depression, as well as skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis.
  • Bergamot - promotes relaxation by elevating moods and relieving tension. It's also good for skin irritations like sunburn or acne breakouts!
  • Frankincense - helps promote feelings of peace while reducing stress levels overall; it also has anti-inflammatory properties which makes it a great choice when you're feeling sore after a workout (I love putting some on before bedtime!).


How to make your own essential oil blends?

It's easy to make your own essential oil blends.

  • Place your chosen carrier oil in a glass bottle or jar.
  • Add drops of your choice of essential oils, 1 or 2 at a time, until you've reached the desired strength of scent.
  • Shake the bottle well to mix the oils together before using them in your diffuser or on yourself.

Alternatively, you can buy ready made essential oil blends and one of the more popularones is Deep Sleep, but there are many others.


Are essential oils safe?

Essential oils are safe, but precautions should be taken.

Essential oils are a great way to add aromatherapy to your daily routine. They can be used in a diffuser or added to a bath. However, there are some things you need to know about using essential oils safely:

  • Do not ingest them! They are usually not recommended for internal use, and the safety of doing so has not been studied in humans. In some cases they may cause harm if ingested, and even when they do not cause harm they may interact with medications and other substances in ways that are dangerous.
  • Do not apply them undiluted on your skin! Essential oils are very concentrated and can cause irritation if applied directly without being diluted first. Always dilute your essential oils with a carrier oil before applying them topically (like coconut oil). Do not apply undiluted essential oils on children under two years old or anyone with sensitive skin.
  • Do not use them if pregnant or breastfeeding unless it is medically necessary! Some studies have linked the use of certain essential oils during pregnancy or breastfeeding to negative effects on the developing fetus or child.

Also, be careful not to leave them open or exposed to direct sunlight or heat for too long, because this can cause them to lose their effectiveness.



Can you ingest essential oils?

While essential oils are considered safe to ingest in small amounts, there is no evidence that they have any health benefits when ingested. In fact, there are some concerns regarding the safety of ingesting essential oils since they can be toxic if used improperly or in large quantities.

The issue of toxicity becomes more complicated when you're using an essential oil while pregnant or breastfeeding. Essential oils should not be ingested by women who are pregnant or breastfeeding because some ingredients may cause harm to developing fetuses and infants. It's also important to note that it's still unclear whether these chemicals can pass into breast milk from a mother's skin.

If you have pre existing health conditions such as cancer or heart disease, then it's best to consult with your doctor before taking any new supplements - including essential oils - to make sure that they won't interact negatively with your current medications.


How do I buy pure essential oils?

Buying pure essential oils is a fantastic way to get the most out of your aromatherapy. There are, however, a few things you can do to ensure that your essential oils are pure. First, buy from a reputable supplier. Second, check the label for ingredients and make sure it is 100% pure. Third, make sure the essential oil is not diluted with carrier oils (a carrier oil is a base substance that dilutes an essential oil). 

Also, ask whether the company uses chemicals or artificial ingredients in their products. If they do, make sure they're clearly labelled. If they aren't labelled, ask what they are.

Find out what methods were used to extract the oil from its source plant. Some methods can leave impurities in the oil that aren't harmful but may reduce its effectiveness.

At Sassy Organics we sell some of the purest certified organic essential oils, ensuring that you are getting the top quality products without pesticides or other nasties.


Final thoughts

While there isn't enough space to go over all the wonderful things that essential oils can do, hopefully this has helped you understand how they work and where you can place them in your home to improve various aspects of your life.




Acacia Aromatherapy

Certified Organic Essential Oil Blend Love (10 ml)


Acacia Aromatherapy

Certified Organic Essential Oil Blend Unwind (10 ml)


Absolute Essential

Certified Organic Almond Oil Sweet: Virgin (100 ml)


Absolute Essential

Certified Organic Castor Oil: Virgin (50 ml)


Absolute Essential

Certified Organic Orange Sweet Essential Oil (10 ml)
