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Is matcha powder good for you?

Date Posted:4 January 2023 

Matcha powder is a popular ingredient in traditional Japanese tea ceremonies. It's made by grinding down the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant, which are then dried and ground. The tea has been used for centuries because it offers many health benefits: It's high in antioxidants and can help reduce stress levels. In addition to these benefits, matcha powder may also be able to lower your risk of certain diseases including cancer, heart failure and diabetes.


So, is matcha good for you?

If you're like me, this is probably the first question that pops into your head when you hear about matcha. And like me, you might also be wondering: "Why does it matter?" We've all heard about matcha benefits, but how much can it really do for us?

Well, thankfully there are a lot of reasons to drink matcha! First and foremost, it's delicious. Like many other teas, matcha tea has a very distinct flavor - but unlike other teas (at least in my opinion), it tastes more like dessert than breakfast. It's not bitter or too strong at all; in fact, I would say it's actually pretty mild compared to some of the other teas out there. This makes it easy to incorporate into your diet in different ways. For example, if you prefer drinking plain water over adding lemon slices or cucumbers to make flavored water then this is definitely for you! You could also try making an iced version by adding some ice cubes and adding whatever natural sweeteners or flavours (like maple syrup) that work best for you! Or even try mixing up a hot cup with some plant based milk.

The most beneficial way to consume matcha powder is by mixing it into your favourite smoothie or shake. You can even use it as a substitute for cocoa powder in your favourite brownies!



What is matcha?

Matcha is a type of green tea, but it's not brewed like other types of tea. Rather, matcha powder is made from ground green tea leaves that are whisked together into a frothy drink in the traditional Japanese style.

Matcha green tea has become a popular ingredient for cooking and baking because it can be used to make chocolates, ice cream and other desserts - but its health benefits are what really set this apart from other types of tea.

Matcha contains many antioxidants which help your body fight free radicals and prevent cell damage from occurring. In fact, matcha has 10 times more antioxidants than regular green tea!


Why is matcha powder healthy?

Matcha is a type of green tea that has a higher concentration of antioxidants than regular green tea. It's made from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant, which are ground into a fine powder. There are four primary types of matcha: high quality ceremonial grade, premium ceremonial grade, culinary grade, and organic matcha.

High quality ceremonial matcha should be used in traditional Japanese ceremonies or to make special drinks like lattes or smoothies at home. Premium ceremonial grade may cost less than top quality but still delivers an impressive amount of antioxidants and flavour without any bitterness. The difference between those two options depends largely on your personal preference for taste and aroma - but if you want to enjoy the best benefits possible for both your body and mind without spending too much money on it then we recommend choosing 'high quality' over 'premium'.

Culinary - grade products offer an affordable way to add this powerful ingredient into your diet every day (especially since they tend not to have as many health benefits). Just be sure not to overcook them because doing so will destroy their nutrients!



Matcha powder benefits include cancer prevention

Matcha green tea powder comes from the same Camellia sinensis plant as all other types of green tea. But instead of steeping the leaves in hot water, matcha is ground into a fine powder and whisked into hot water.

The result? A cup that's packed with catechins - the antioxidants found in green teas that are thought to prevent cancer. Matcha may also help prevent cardiovascular disease, diabetes, Parkinson's disease and more.

But even if you don't have one of these health concerns yet, taking a daily dose of matcha can help increase energy levels and mental focus.


It can lower your risk of heart failure and heart disease

Matcha powder is packed with antioxidants and other compounds that may help lower your risk of heart disease. Not only does it contain a significant amount of antioxidants, but also L-Theanine, which has been shown to lower blood pressure, fight stress and anxiety.

There's also some evidence that matcha can decrease inflammation in arteries, reduce bad cholesterol levels and increase good cholesterol while lowering blood glucose levels in people who suffer from diabetes or metabolic syndrome (when there is too much fat around the waist).

Finally, the caffeine in matcha has been shown to boost metabolism which can help burn fat. This may explain why green tea is one of the best foods for weight loss!



Matcha benefits include higher energy levels

You may know that matcha contains caffeine, but the amount of caffeine in a cup of matcha is actually much lower than you might expect.

However, if youā€™re still worried about getting too much caffeine from your morning cup of matcha or other drinks made with it, there are ways to minimise this effect:

  • Drink it after eating a meal. Caffeine is absorbed more slowly when blood sugar levels are up and stabilised by food. If you want to drink your first cup at home after breakfast or lunch, make sure there is some food in your stomach first!
  • Add some fat! Adding milk or cream will help slow down absorption further, which can be helpful if youā€™re sensitive to caffeine.


It can help you lose weight

Matcha powder has been proven to help you lose weight.

The key to matcha's fat burning properties is its high concentration of the amino acid L-theanine, which increases your metabolism and reduces your desire to eat. It also contains a small amount of caffeine and phytonutrients called catechins, which are antioxidants that can help burn fat. If you want to use matcha for weight loss, it will be best if you drink it as part of a morning latte (without sugar).


It may reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes

You may have heard that matcha powder is good for you, but what exactly does that mean? Let's explore how this trendy green tea may help you stay healthy. It may reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes.

Matcha contains antioxidants called catechins, which can boost your bodyā€™s ability to break down glucose (blood sugar). In addition, the polyphenols in matcha act as natural anti inflammatory agents - helping prevent inflammation related diseases like heart disease and cancer.



Matcha green tea benefits include a lower risk of Alzheimer's disease and dementia

Matcha green tea benefits include a lower risk of Alzheimer's disease and dementia. One cup of matcha contains the same antioxidants found in three cups of regular green tea. Antioxidants can prevent cognitive decline, including memory loss and concentration problems, which may help to prevent Alzheimerā€™s disease or dementia.

Matcha also contains L-theanine, an amino acid that calms the mind without causing drowsiness. Matcha green tea powder may help fight viruses and bacteria, including the flu and even HIV, and it may reduce your risk of food poisoning.

Antioxidants are a type of nutrient that can have several health benefits. Antioxidants have been linked to a lower risk of heart disease and cancer, as well as improved mental health. Matcha green tea powder is packed with antioxidants because it's made from green tea leaves - the same leaves used to make steeped matcha green tea.

Matcha powder is also rich in catechins and flavanols, two types of antioxidants found in herbs, fruits, and vegetables like spinach or apples. These compounds have been shown to offer some protection against viruses such as influenza A virus, aid in digestion, boost metabolism, improve memory function in older adults, reduce cholesterol levels linked to heart disease risk factors like high blood pressure or high blood sugar levels, boost heart health by lowering homocysteine levels in the body which helps prevent hardening of arteries.


Keep in mind that more research is needed to truly understand how beneficial matcha powder is for certain conditions

With all of the benefits that matcha may offer, it's no wonder that people are getting more and more curious about how to use it. However, keep in mind that more research is needed to truly understand how beneficial matcha powder is for certain conditions.

Matcha tea has been studied for its health benefits and has shown potential for reducing cholesterol levels, improving bone density and reducing blood pressure. The studies that have been done are promising, but if you're considering using matcha as a supplement or even a daily drinker like some people do in Japan, talk with your doctor first before incorporating it into your diet.

Matcha in Australia can be purchased from Sassy Organics - official stockist of Dr Superfoods Certified Organic Matcha Tea Powder.



Matcha powder is a healthy way to add caffeine and antioxidants to your diet

Matcha is a healthy way to add caffeine and antioxidants to your diet. While most people are aware of the health benefits that come with drinking coffee, matcha powder is also high in antioxidants and can have a positive effect on your sleep cycle. Matcha tea has been shown to help you lose weight, prevent cancer, increase energy levels and improve overall mental health.

Itā€™s easier than ever today for consumers who want to drink matcha but don't want to go through the process of preparing their own cup of hot green tea or cold brew "latte." Simply add some matcha latte powder to plant based milk and bring it to boil. Add sweetener to your liking.



So, is matcha good for you? Absolutely! Matcha is one of the healthiest drinks around, and it's easy to see why.

First off, matcha is incredibly high in antioxidants. Antioxidants are the things that fight damage caused by free radicals - molecules that can cause inflammation, cancer, and more. Matcha contains significantly more antioxidants than other teas, so you get more bang for your buck.

Second: Matcha also contains catechins, a type of polyphenol that's been shown to reduce LDL cholesterol (the "bad" kind) and increase HDL cholesterol (the "good" kind).

And lastly: It tastes really good!